Posts tagged ‘yoga’

Yogacise Reviews!

Yogacise Reviews!

One of Health Mark’s top selling products, the Yogacise, has been getting great feed back from our customers! Read what some of our customers are saying:

One of my favorite things
I try to use this everyday after I stretch and before my ab exercises. It creates calm and improves strength, and the resistance attachments are a bonus. I am a small person and I needed to adjust them down as far as they would go and they work for me. It’s lightweight, but I take it to my yoga classes and carry it a long way so it gets heavy in both directions.

Great product, helps me levitate

It is just like the one at the studio and now I don’t have to wait to practice my core work by myself.

Health Mark Inc. would like to thank all the people who have wrote numerous reviews and who have provided positive feedback in regards to to the Yogacise and all of our products. To read more reviews or find out more about the products Health Mark has to offer please visit our website at!

Yoga: For the Mind and Body!

Yoga: For the Mind and Body!

Ever feel overwhelmed and just plain stressed out? New studies have reported increasing number of stress and stress related illnesses here in the United State. The increases of stress can related to a number of factors, but most of the current findings relate back to financial issues, work place stress, relationship stress, and lack of exercise to help relieve the stress. With all the current stresses of life, where can relief be found?
Exercise physiologists, psychologists, and therapists have studied the body in hopes of finding alternatives to medicine as ways to help people deal with stress. One of the proven most beneficial alternatives to medicine to help with stress is a growing trend of exercise here in the United States.
Yoga has been practiced for many years, among many different populations. Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines stretching exercises, controlled breathing and relaxation. Some of the proven benefits of yoga include: stress reduction, lower blood pressure and improved heart functioning. And almost anyone can do it. Yoga is considered a mind-body type of complementary and alternative medicine practice that brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping you relax and manage stress and anxiety.
Yoga has many styles, forms and intensities. Hatha yoga, in particular, may be a good choice for stress management. Hatha is one of the most common styles of yoga, and beginners may like its slower pace and easier movements. But most people can benefit from any style of yoga — it’s all about your personal preferences! There are two main concepts of yoga, breathing and poses.
Health Mark Inc. offers a product that is very beneficial to anyone who practices yoga. The Yogacise is a therapeutic product that helps people relax in the head stand yoga position without adding all the additional pressures on an individuals head. The Yogacise is beneficial for all ages and if beneficial for beginners and experts in the field of yoga. To find out more about the Yogacise please contact us at!

Benefits of Combining Yoga and Whole Body Vibration Exercise Routines!

Benefits of Combining Yoga and Whole Body Vibration Exercise Routines!

Students and practitioners of yoga may be surprised that a Whole Body Vibration machine can greatly enhance their yoga exercise.

Benefits of Combining Yoga with Whole Body Vibration (WBV)

Both yoga and Whole Body Vibration are known to increase flexibility; certain yoga postures target different parts of the body (muscles, muscle groups, joints, organs etc.) as do differing positions assumed while exercising on a Whole Body Vibration platform. In addition, both yoga and WBV increase lubrication of joints, ligaments and tendons, as well as blood circulation, oxygenation and lymphatic drainage. They both also tend to reset the neurological system and this really boosts flexibility, balance and mobility (range of motion).

What else do they have in common? They’re both beneficial in detoxifying the body. Both yoga and exercise on a vibration machine tone muscles, increase metabolic rate, helping to burn fat and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

How the addition of a Whole Body Vibration machine helps yoga enthusiasts…

Doing yoga asanas (postures/poses) on a WBV plate will quickly strengthen the core and rapidly enhance flexibility. Imagine doing a Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana) for a minute on the floor. Pretty easy! Now do that same Plank Pose with your hands on an oscillating WBV plate that is moving multiple times every second. The asana just became a whole lot more challenging. In just a minimal amount of time doing yoga postures on a Whole Body Vibration platform, the muscles will be challenged and strengthened.

Combining Yoga with Whole Body Vibration

Plank Pose
The Plank Pose is basically a static push-up with the arms kept straight (not locked) and anyone familiar with the pose will realize that the benefits can be realized in a fraction of the time required on the floor (or mat) when a WBV platform is used. This is only one example of the amplification provided with WBV.

To really accelerate the effects, try doing the same pose dynamically. Again using the Plank Pose as an example, bend the arms slowly lowering the torso until your chin is only a few inches from the vibrating plate and slowly push back up again (just like a normal push-up). You will notice an enormous difference between doing this on the platform as compared to doing the same movement on the floor (or mat).

When performing any posture without the machine, most yoga practitioners will notice that they can hold a static position much longer, but have will reach the same point of fatigue in a few seconds when WBV is added.

*Other simple poses that are enhanced by a Whole Body Vibration machine…

Standing poses…
Combining Yoga with Whole Body Vibration
Squat Pose
Squat Pose (Malasana)
Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana)
Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

Seated Poses:
Combining Yoga with Whole Body Vibration
Boat Pose
Boat Pose (Navasana)
Seated Spinal Twist (Matsyendrasana)
Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
*For more information or instructions on any of the above asanas (or others not mentioned) just search for them online, there’s a wealth of information available.

So, as you can plainly see, yoga and Whole Body Vibration individually are both great ways to get in shape and stay in shape. But together, they add a fun new twist to fitness, keeping things interesting and at the same time allowing you to challenge yourself as much as you want.

With Whole Body Vibration and yoga, you get the best of both worlds; you really can experience all the traditional benefits of each exercise individually, without diluting either one. While in fact, when they’re combined, you’re rewarded with an incredibly effective and efficient fitness experience.

Should men practice Yoga?

Should me practice Yoga?

When most men hear the word “yoga,” they probably think of relaxing music, burning incense, flexible women or men (maybe not a bad thing!) and colorful, stretchy clothes. If you are a yoga-skeptic, you may be thinking it’s way too passive and flowery for you.

But yoga has expanded and evolved. Now there are classes for jocks, the extremely inflexible and exercise newbies.

Click the picture to read more.
– Huffington Post

Inversion Therapy

Inversion Therapy

Health Mark Pro Inversion Table