Posts tagged ‘Therapy’

Yogacise Reviews!

Yogacise Reviews!

One of Health Mark’s top selling products, the Yogacise, has been getting great feed back from our customers! Read what some of our customers are saying:

One of my favorite things
I try to use this everyday after I stretch and before my ab exercises. It creates calm and improves strength, and the resistance attachments are a bonus. I am a small person and I needed to adjust them down as far as they would go and they work for me. It’s lightweight, but I take it to my yoga classes and carry it a long way so it gets heavy in both directions.

Great product, helps me levitate

It is just like the one at the studio and now I don’t have to wait to practice my core work by myself.

Health Mark Inc. would like to thank all the people who have wrote numerous reviews and who have provided positive feedback in regards to to the Yogacise and all of our products. To read more reviews or find out more about the products Health Mark has to offer please visit our website at!

Yogacise Workouts

Yogacise Workouts

The Yogacise, which was developed by Health Mark Inc. primarily for yoga head stands and meditation techniques, is now being considered a machine for various types of workouts. The Yogacise was created to give individuals the same type of yoga benefits as the yoga head stand, while relieving some of the stress and tension that is placed on the neck and upper body during the yoga head stand. This machine is also beneficial for helping increase blood flow to the neck, head, and upper body, while relieving stress placed on the lower body through the day to day weight bearing demands.

As of lately, the Yogacise, has developed into a piece of equipment that can be used for workouts as well. Some workouts the Yogacise machine can be used for include Tricep Dips, Tricep Extensions, Pull Ups, Push Ups, and many types of Core (abdominal) exercises. The Yogacise has now evolved into more than just a therapeutic piece of exercise equipment.

To find out more about the Yogacise, or any of Health Mark’s equipment please visit us at or follow us on twitter and facebook!

Health Mark Inc. Stretch Barres

Health Mark Inc. Stretch Barres

Health Mark Inc. has began new photo shoots of many products including our Portable Stretch Barre. Follow Health Mark Inc. on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or by visiting out website at to stay up to date with out product line!

Tiapei, Tiawan, Republic of China!

Tiapei, Tiawan, Republic of China!

The owner of Health Mark Inc. is constantly researching, gathering information, and coming up with new ideas regarding some of our current and new exercise and fitness equipment. Since the body is always evolving, it is essential to remain up-to-date on the most recent studies and publications regarding fitness, health, and wellness. At Health Mark, the primary focus is to stay up-to-date with the latest research and publications to provide our customers with the most up dated and beneficial exercise and therapeutic equipment available. In providing new and updated research and equipment, Health Mark travels around the United States and across the country to study the latest findings. Currently Health Mark Inc. is in Tiapei, The Republic of China, researching and speaking with manufactures at a big health and fitness convention! To find out more about Health Mark Inc.’s products please contact us at

The Swiss Ball Office Chair!

The Swiss Ball Office Chair!

Today, with insurance prices for small and large businesses, business owners are looking at many alternatives for lowering the price of insurance for their employees. New insurance regulations give employees the chance to lower their insurance rates by meeting a set health standard. Some of the health standards that can be reached to lower insurance costs include participating in a diet and exercise program, maintaining or improving health status (BMI, Body fat measurements, blood pressure measurements, etc.), and cutting out environmental hazards such as smoking and alcohol.
Health Mark Inc. has a product that could be real beneficial in helping businesses lower insurance cost. The Swiss Ball Office Chair incorporates health and wellness in an office setting. The Swiss Ball Chair, when used as an office chair, helps individuals work on tone and posture without actually doing an exercise. The shape of the ball requires individuals to keep their core muscles, stabilizing muscles in their hips, and their back muscles activated while sitting on this chair. Although individuals may not feel their muscles working, their muscles are in constant activation to keep balance. The Swiss Ball Chair can also be used in the office setting for stretching and exercise routines. The design of the chair allows individuals to stretch their quadriceps, hamstrings, calf’s, core and back muscles in a series of routines. Push-ups, crunches, and many other exercises can also be performed with the Swiss Ball Chair. To find out more about the Swiss Ball Chair or any of Health Mark’s products please visit us at

Inversion Tables: The Natural Remedy

Inversion Tables: The Natural Remedy

Back pain can be frustrating and hard to deal with. When the discs in your back are compressed, your spine and whole body can feel even worse. Using inversion tables to help with back pain is a natural way of treating these symptoms and lowering pain without the use of prescription drugs or expensive visits to a chiropractor. And the back stretch that an inversion table offers can do so much more than just make you feel great.

Inversion tables are not just for stretching your back. They offer numerous benefits for the body, beginning with reducing back pain and lengthening our compressed spines. These tables increase the space between our spinal discs, which causes an increase in blood flow all around our bodies. There are so many veins and arteries running between our discs, and when they get compressed, that pressure limits their ability to spread oxygen and nutrients to our blood cells and remove the waste. This causes our internal organs to weaken and perform badly. The daily use of an inversion table can help counter some of the effects of gravity on the body.
Inversion tables can also be a wonderful way to wind down after a really intense workout. High impact workouts can cause muscle pain, and this table therapy reduces that pain, along with stimulating our circulation and offering great stress relief. Incorporating inversion as part of your workout is a way to strengthen those all-important core muscle groups without putting unnecessary stress and pressure on our spinal cords. Inversion training can also help to strengthen ligaments through our bodies.

Gymnasts and ballerinas, and anyone else in that type of sport, would be wonderful benefactors of the use of inversion therapy, as it helps to train for orientation and balance. The elongation of the spine encourages good posture and helps to keep your back straight even after you leave the therapy table. Aging gracefully is a side benefit since the increased oxygen and de-congested internal organs helps your body work in a more youthful way.

Any therapy program you are thinking of starting needs to be run by your physician. Since he or she is aware of any pre-existing conditions you have, they will be able to say whether inversion therapy will exacerbate or help cure them. If however, they do agree with your idea, then be sure to remain consistent in your routine. This will give your body the way to get used to the action, and have long-term health benefits.
It’s very easy to use this table, and only requires the use of a spotter the first couple of times. Inversion requires the individual to find their balance point by the use of their arms. Once in the inverted position, both arms should be relaxed and hanging freely above the participant’s head. Stay in this relaxed position for a time period that feels comfortable to you as an individual, then bring your arms up to help guide you back to the regular position.
While this is not a new idea, using inversion tables for back pain is spreading into the world of healthy remedies even more. Before using prescription drugs or visiting a chiropractor unnecessarily, see if your doctor thinks this is a good idea for you. If natural remedies without side effects work first, then there is no need to expose your body to unnecessary side effects that are possible from other remedies.

To find out more about Inversion Tables or Inversion Therapy contact us at

Exercise Equipment Every Gym Should Have!

Exercise Equipment Every Gym Should Have!

Today, many gyms focus on quantity instead of quality when it comes to providing exercise equipment for their clients. Gyms focus on providing more types of equipment for their clients to use rather than providing equipment that is essential to improving an individual’s health. The treadmills, cable machines, and free weights are great for gyms; however, stair climbers, upper body and lower body weight assisted machines, and elliptical are some machines that can be eliminated.
Health Mark offers a couple products that should be present in every type of gym setting. Some of the products that should be available to clients involved in an exercise machine include stretch bars, whole body vibration machines, and vibration cable machines.
Portable Stretch Barre:
The Portable Stretch Barre offered by Health Mark is an essential machine for all types of gyms. With the Stretch Barre, individuals can begin an exercise routine by stretching major muscle groups in the body. The Stretch Barre can also be used to perform assisted pull-ups, push- ups, and assist with balance exercises when needed.
The Whole Body Vibration Machines:
The Whole Body Vibration Machines offered by Health Mark can serve many functions in a gym setting. The various machines offered provide an accelerated weight loss program for individuals whose main goal are to burn calories and lose body fat, sports performance training for athletes trying to take their skills to the next level, and a whole body workout for individuals just trying to improve their health. Whole Body Vibration machines can be used in step aerobics classes, body pump classes, and in boot camp class settings.
Vibrating Cable-Stack Machines:
The Vibrating Stack Machines offer the same exercise routines as regular cable machines, but the vibration training aspect of these machines help generate greater results. With the addition of vibration to a regular cable machine workout, the individual’s muscles will fire at faster rates while performing exercises. Faster muscle firing through vibration training will cause the muscles to work and “overload” at faster rates causing more results from the workout.
When deciding between gyms and exercise routines make sure to choose the ones most beneficial to you and your health. If you settle for mediocre workouts, expect less than average results!
If you would like to know more about some of the products offered by Health Mark Inc. feel free to check out the website or contact us by phone.

How many inversions fit taller people?

How many inversions fit taller people?

Robert, a resident of North Georgia, stopped by Health Mark’s office to test the Pro Max Inversion table against his 6’10 height. After adjusting the settings, Robert proved that the Pro Max Inversion Table can comfortably and safely fit a person with a 6’10 structure. Robert purchased a Pro Max Inversion Table right after this picture was taken!

The facts about Vibration Therapy Machines!

The facts about Vibration Therapy Machines!

Vibration therapy has created a buzz in the health and fitness industry, as it brings us another gleam of hope with a different method of burning fat and developing muscles. While there have been questions about its validity and effectiveness, many of the brightest minds around the world are recommending this kind of therapy.

The concept of vibration therapy was a Russian original. It was first used to help Russian cosmonauts increase their bone density and strengthen their muscles due to their exposure to a zero gravity environment. These cosmonauts were asked to stand over a vibration plate on a daily basis in addition to their routine exercises. Since then, vibration therapy has been a hot addition to the fitness world. So with all the good things we hear from this amazing therapy, what does one person get out of exposure to vibrations?

•NASA scientists are not only recommending this therapy to their astronauts, but they also believe this technique can treat people who suffer from significant bone loss like osteoporosis.
•While on top of the vibration plate, someone could easily receive the same benefit as working out for a relatively shorter period of time. Under the vibrations, muscles experience continuous contractions, making it an effective body workout. This means the body can be more resistant to fatigue and have increased agility.
•With regular use, vibration therapy also causes the glands to provide natural lubrication to the joints, reducing back and joint pains.
•Scientists have found that during a vibration therapy session, the body excretes testosterone and human growth hormones at an increased rate while getting a reduced production rate of Cortisol – the body’s stress hormone. This allows the body to amplify the beneficial effects of muscle protein synthesis.
•Athletes are now using vibration therapy equipment they refer to as ‘miracle machines.’ This technology has helped professional cagers like Shaquille O’Neal and other athletes whose careers mainly depend on their physical activities to deal with injuries and post-rehabilitation surgeries.
•Vibration therapy has also been helping people with arthritis, as it provides soothing effects to the joints during painful arthritis attacks, while at the same time, reducing their frequency.

Have you tried Health Mark’s vibration machines?

History of Inversion Therapy

History of Inversion Therapy

Inversion Therapy
A Natural Approach To Correcting Back Problems

If you think hanging upside down to relieve back pain is some wacky, new-age idea? Think again. It probably goes back to the dawn of human development. It is easy to imagine an early human with a backache hanging by their knees from a tree branch.

We know that inversion was used at least as early as 400 B.C., when Hippocrates, the father of medicine, first watched a patient have his knees and ankles tied to a ladder to be hoisted upside down for a dose of what has come to be known as inversion therapy.

The Greek theories on inversion are still valid, but today there is a much easier way to relieve the back pains most people experience from time to time. The process is called inversion therapy, and it can be the natural way to a better back and a better body.

Back pain is one of the most common physical complaints in the world. Every day, it is estimated that some eleven million Americans struggle to get through a day complicated by an aching back. In the United States alone, some 93 million workdays are lost each year due to back problems. There is overwhelming evidence that spending a few minutes each day hanging inclined can be beneficial to your back, and to your general health, by simply counteracting the continuous downward pull of gravity. Hang Ups inversion equipment offers a safe and comfortable way for anyone to benefit from the soothing sensation of inversion.

The concept of turning the body upside down for better health has been around for centuries. In yoga the headstand position has been used by yoga practitioners as a way of temporarily reversing the direction of gravity. However, not everyone can to do headstands & this position still does not relieve compression.

Over time, the compressive force of gravity is particularly harsh on the spine because of the flattening effect on the spinal discs. The intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers between the vertebra, and consist of a cartilage covering which surrounds a gelatin-like center. Combine the compressive effect of gravity with stress, weak back and stomach muscles, a lack of exercise and you have all of the ingredients for back pain.

Of course, it is impossible to offset the gravitational effects of a lifetime just by jumping on an inversion table. But by spending a few minutes inverted each day, or two or three times a day, people usually begin to feel results by the end of the first week. After a month of inversion, many people don’t know how they ever got along without it.

Both physicians and chiropractors report positive results from using natural gravity-inversion traction with patients. A neurosurgeon in San Francisco says inversion seems to get people over the acute phase quicker than other forms of therapy. We believe that inversion can benefit the discs, strengthen ligaments and soft tissues, and relieve muscle spasms. We’ve also had success with patients suffering from herniated discs.

Besides providing relief from back pain, a daily dose of inversion can help to promote good health by correcting common spinal alignment problems, eliminating tension headaches, reducing hemorrhoids, alleviating the discomfort of varicose veins, and stimulating mental alertness. Many people suffer, especially in their later years from prolapsed internal organs that sag as a result of years of the downward pull of gravity.

Quite simply, inversion allows gravity to help the body to naturally correct and align itself. You stretch out and elongate your spine, get blood to the brain, invert and reposition internal organs, and take stress off of the heart, which usually has to pump blood uphill to the brain.

As with any new exercise program, if someone is in doubt about their level of fitness, or if they are over the age of 40, consult a physician before starting an inversion program. Inversion is not recommended for people with extreme weight problems, those with a history of stroke, acute back injuries, or high blood pressure, and it is very important that people with these conditions consult with their doctor before trying inversion. Also, individuals who have bone disease, retinal detachment, or any other serious eye disorders would be advised to avoid inversion without their doctors permission.

Why do some doctors advise against inversion therapy?

For centuries traction had been one of the primary doctor prescribed therapies for back problems. Recently pain medication and surgical treatments became popular. Even though traction was recommended for centuries sometimes modern doctors will advise against inversion therapy. It has been our experience that one of the main reasons they advise against inversion is because they do not understand that the user has total control over the angle of incline and extreme angels that may concern the physician are not recommended nor are they usually necessary for achieving great benefits. What some doctors need to realize is that a person can set the table for horizontal or any mild degree of incline. When very mild angles are used the stresses on the body are minimal and any risks are reduced. We have heard from people over the years who avoided inversion therapy because their doctors did not understand the potential benefits. Some of these people found a different doctor who did understand how much benefit could be achieved with as little as 15-20 minutes a day of mild inversion and rhythmic intermittent traction. This is achieved easily with the inversion table by creating a rocking motion. Some doctors contraindicate inversion therapy for very good reasons. In some cases they have not taken the time to study this simple therapy that has brought pain relief and a better quality of life to hundreds of thousands of people.

For someone with a back problem about to begin a
program of inversion therapy we offer a few helpful suggestions.

Begin slowly: Invert only 15 to 20 degrees at first, and stay inverted only as long as it feels comfortable, which may only be a few seconds at first. Remarkably, you can gain all of the benefits of inversion without ever fully inverting yourself. Most people find 20 to 60 degrees of decline adequate and very comfortable.

Come up slowly: When you come back upright the pressure is again placed on the discs and nerves. Come up slowly and relax at the horizontal before coming upright.

Make changes gradually: Increase the angle of decline only if it is comfortable, and only increase the angle a few degrees at a time. The Hang Ups F5000 inversion table has a tether strap to help people stay within their inversion range. People can add rocking back and forth (rhythmic traction) to their inversion program once they feel comfortable.

Pay attention to your body: You’re unique, and your body will tell you what’s good for it. You determine the pace when adapting to the inverted world.

Relaxing after a long day at a 25-45 degree angle for 15-20 minutes can be a great stress relieving & rejuvenating experience.

Rhythmic Intermittent Traction: Use intermittent traction (pull and release) or rhythmic traction to encourage blood, lymph, and spinal fluid circulation. Moving, twisting, stretching, and light exercise while inverted aids in the alignment of bones and organs while minimizing any increase in blood pressure, but strenuous exercise is not recommended while inverted. Just relax and enjoy!

Do it regularly: There are a variety of inversion programs and exercises. Trust yourself to find the approach that’s best for you, and then do it every day. Two or three short sessions a day seem to work best for most people.

Inversion is a very dynamic & effective form of traction. Even at a 45 degree angle a person is achieving a greater force of pull on the back than hospital traction. The force of the pull registers much stronger on the body than it does on the conscious mind. This is why it is easy to over stretch the muscles & nerves of the back and neck & possibly get a spasm. Remember, most adults have not hung upside down since they were little kids.

Based on years of research and the testimonials of hundreds of people who have found relief from back pain, inversion is a powerful, natural option for people who want to relieve lower back pain. Sometimes there’s an explanation for why inversion works, and sometimes there isn’t – it works for some and not for others. We only know that for many people, literally turning their world upside down through inversion therapy can provide an alternative to drugs and surgery in a life filled with daily pain.

Many people say it is the greatest stretch they have had in years.

Dr. Bernard Jensen who many consider to be one of the greatest naturopathic teachers and healers of the 20th century recommends using a slant board as part of an optimum health program. This inversion table does everything the slant board does & more!!!