Posts tagged ‘posture’

Portable Stretch Barre Reviews

Portable Stretch Barre Reviews

The Portable Stretch Barre is another top selling product and a customer favorite! Hear what the customers have said regarding the Stretch Barre:

Heavy Duty.
This turned out be be much sturdier than I imagined for the price. All 3 of my daughters take ballet and have asked for a barre for years. Other options were much more expensive. This is good size for them to use 1 or 2 at a time. The base is heavily weighted for stability. Very nice.

Healthmark portable bar
This is exactly what I have been looking for. It is portable and very strong and I feel confident when stretching on iit. I am very pleased as I had been looking for years for a piece of home equipment like this

So much better
I was using a chair for my Physique 57 workouts before I purchased this bar. I can really feel how much more effective the workouts are with the stability of this bar.

Great Product!
Sturdy but not bulky. Great for Ballet stretching and working out. Easy to assemble. Heavy enough to feel secure but still light enough to be portable. Good price.

Health Mark would like to once again thank all of our customers for providing positive feedback regarding their purchases!

To find out more about our products please visit us at

Correcting Posture to Prevent Injury

Correcting Posture to Prevent Injury

Recent studies show that as much as 80% of the adult population will experience back pain or back injuries throughout their lifetime. A majority of back pain and injuries are attributed to improper lifting techniques when moving objects, improper posture while doing daily activities, and the over use of back muscles. Practicing proper lifting techniques, sitting posture, standing posture, while stretching and strengthening the muscles can help prevent back pain and injuries.
Proper posture while sitting at work, on the couch, or while driving in the car can help prevent common injuries in the lower back. While in the seated position many people find that a good chair is one that adapts to their bodies. Many people may want to choose a chair that is stable and adjusts easily for height and tilt, while others consider a chair with a backrest that supports the curve of your lower (lumbar) back.
Many studies on seated posture show that proper form includes seating with both feet flat on the ground, shoulder back and relaxed, the spine strait without a forward or backwards arch, and arms relaxed. Health Mark Inc. has been working with corporate health and businesses to help improve posture while in the workplace. We offer the Swiss Ball Chair, the Foundation Ball Chair, and the Back Wave Generation 2 in order to help keep good form and posture while in the seated position. The products offered by Health Mark ensure proper back position and help keep the customer active and engaged throughout the day.
To find out more about Health Mark Inc. or the products offered, visit us at

Workplace Posture

Workplace Posture

To understand the best way to set up a computer workstation, it is helpful to understand the concept of neutral body positioning. This is a comfortable working posture in which your joints are naturally aligned. Working with the body in a neutral position reduces stress and strain on the muscles, tendons, and skeletal system and reduces your risk of developing a musculoskeletal disorder (MSD). The following are important considerations when attempting to maintain neutral body postures while working at the computer workstation: ◾Hands, wrists, and forearms are straight, in-line and roughly parallel to the floor.
◾Head is level, or bent slightly forward, forward facing, and balanced. Generally it is in-line with the torso.
◾Shoulders are relaxed and upper arms hang normally at the side of the body.
◾Elbows stay in close to the body and are bent between 90 and 120 degrees.
◾Feet are fully supported by the floor or a footrest may be used if the desk height is not adjustable.
◾Back is fully supported with appropriate lumbar support when sitting vertical or leaning back slightly.
◾Thighs and hips are supported by a well-padded seat and generally parallel to the floor.
◾Knees are about the same height as the hips with the feet slightly forward.
Regardless of how good your working posture is, working in the same posture or sitting still for prolonged periods is not healthy. You should change your working position frequently throughout the day in the following ways:
◾Make small adjustments to your chair or backrest.
◾Stretch your fingers, hands, arms, and torso.
◾Stand up and walk around for a few minutes periodically.

Health Mark Inc. also offers a couple products that help improve posture while in a work environment. The Backwave Generation 2 and the Swiss Ball Chair are very important products when it comes to posture in a work setting.

For more information, please check out our website at

The Swiss Ball Office Chair!

The Swiss Ball Office Chair!

Today, with insurance prices for small and large businesses, business owners are looking at many alternatives for lowering the price of insurance for their employees. New insurance regulations give employees the chance to lower their insurance rates by meeting a set health standard. Some of the health standards that can be reached to lower insurance costs include participating in a diet and exercise program, maintaining or improving health status (BMI, Body fat measurements, blood pressure measurements, etc.), and cutting out environmental hazards such as smoking and alcohol.
Health Mark Inc. has a product that could be real beneficial in helping businesses lower insurance cost. The Swiss Ball Office Chair incorporates health and wellness in an office setting. The Swiss Ball Chair, when used as an office chair, helps individuals work on tone and posture without actually doing an exercise. The shape of the ball requires individuals to keep their core muscles, stabilizing muscles in their hips, and their back muscles activated while sitting on this chair. Although individuals may not feel their muscles working, their muscles are in constant activation to keep balance. The Swiss Ball Chair can also be used in the office setting for stretching and exercise routines. The design of the chair allows individuals to stretch their quadriceps, hamstrings, calf’s, core and back muscles in a series of routines. Push-ups, crunches, and many other exercises can also be performed with the Swiss Ball Chair. To find out more about the Swiss Ball Chair or any of Health Mark’s products please visit us at

Posture and Health!

Posture and Health!

Bad posture is a modern day health epidemic that is much worse than most people naturally assume. Posture is the window into your spine. The spine has a powerful relationship with the brain, spinal cord, and overall organ function. This intimate connection means that poor posture and spinal health will lead to an overall decrease in brain and organ function.

Nobel Prize recipient Dr. Roger Sperry says that the spine is the motor that drives the brain. According to his research “90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine.” Only 10% of our brain’s energy goes into thinking, metabolism, immunity, and healing. Sperry demonstrated that 90% of brain energy goes into processing and maintaining the body’s relationship with gravity.

One of the worst types of health problems people experience is a loss of the natural curves of their spine. Ideally, we should have a 40-45 degree curve in our neck that many chiropractors and neurosurgeons refer to as “the arc of life.” This curve helps to protect the brain stem and the spinal canal for the spinal cord and nerves that travel to every region of our body.

Subluxation is the term for misalignments of the spine that cause compression and irritation of nerve pathways affecting organ systems of the body. Subluxations can manifest as pain, but since only a small portion of spinal nerves transmit pain sensations they are often unnoticeable by the individual. Losing the arc of life in the neck, forward head posture, and scoliosis are three of the most dangerous forms of subluxation.

Subluxation patterns such as forward head posture and loss of the neck curve are most often created by trauma and/or poor posture. Examples of trauma include the birth process (especially with forceps delivery), falls, car accidents, & sporting activities. The typical individual in our society today spends at least 3-4 hours a day slumped in front of a television, computer, and texting cell phone. These behaviors cause the head to shift forward and create a lasting posture pattern called forward head posture.

This ‘forward head posture’ can add up to 30 pounds of abnormal leverage pulling the entire spine out of alignment and may result in the loss of 30% of vital lung capacity,” says University of California’s director of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Rene Cailliet.

As forward head posture decreases lung capacity it affects the body from effectively oxygenating cells. This can lead to asthmatic conditions, blood vessel problems and heart disease. The oxygen deficit affects the entire gastrointestinal system leading to altered nutrient absorption and peristaltic activity. Lowered oxygen states also decrease endorphin production turning the perception of non-painful sensation into pain experiences.

Some chiropractors specialize in corrective care techniques that reduce or eliminate forward head posture and restore the natural curves of the body. This is done through gentle & specific adjustments that take pressure off of the brain stem and nerve pathways and enhance function to the body. Corrective rehabilitative exercises are prescribed to address postural abnormalities and create lasting objective postural and x-ray changes. Specialized chiropractors are able to demonstrate these changes to the individual with pre-post x-rays, nerve scans, postural pictures and other technology.

Studies have shown that corrective based chiropractic care effectively reduces forward head posture and enhances the arc of life. A 2009 study by Morningstar and Jockers showed that this corrective process dramatically enhanced lung function. As the respiration process improves more oxygen gets into the body. This improves blood flow into every organ system of the body dramatically improving overall function

HealthMark Inc. offers a couple products that help improve an individual’s posture. Check out the website or contact us for any needed information!