Posts tagged ‘Portable Stretch Barre’

Exercise Equipment Every Gym Should Have!

Exercise Equipment Every Gym Should Have!

Today, many gyms focus on quantity instead of quality when it comes to providing exercise equipment for their clients. Gyms focus on providing more types of equipment for their clients to use rather than providing equipment that is essential to improving an individual’s health. The treadmills, cable machines, and free weights are great for gyms; however, stair climbers, upper body and lower body weight assisted machines, and elliptical are some machines that can be eliminated.
Health Mark offers a couple products that should be present in every type of gym setting. Some of the products that should be available to clients involved in an exercise machine include stretch bars, whole body vibration machines, and vibration cable machines.
Portable Stretch Barre:
The Portable Stretch Barre offered by Health Mark is an essential machine for all types of gyms. With the Stretch Barre, individuals can begin an exercise routine by stretching major muscle groups in the body. The Stretch Barre can also be used to perform assisted pull-ups, push- ups, and assist with balance exercises when needed.
The Whole Body Vibration Machines:
The Whole Body Vibration Machines offered by Health Mark can serve many functions in a gym setting. The various machines offered provide an accelerated weight loss program for individuals whose main goal are to burn calories and lose body fat, sports performance training for athletes trying to take their skills to the next level, and a whole body workout for individuals just trying to improve their health. Whole Body Vibration machines can be used in step aerobics classes, body pump classes, and in boot camp class settings.
Vibrating Cable-Stack Machines:
The Vibrating Stack Machines offer the same exercise routines as regular cable machines, but the vibration training aspect of these machines help generate greater results. With the addition of vibration to a regular cable machine workout, the individual’s muscles will fire at faster rates while performing exercises. Faster muscle firing through vibration training will cause the muscles to work and “overload” at faster rates causing more results from the workout.
When deciding between gyms and exercise routines make sure to choose the ones most beneficial to you and your health. If you settle for mediocre workouts, expect less than average results!
If you would like to know more about some of the products offered by Health Mark Inc. feel free to check out the website or contact us by phone.

Benefits of Using a Portable Stretch Barre!

Benefits of Using a Portable Stretch Barre!

The Bar Method is one of the most exciting and most popular new workouts to hit the gym. By combining elements of yoga, Pilates and even ballet, the Bar Method offers you a great way to get back into shape. There’s plenty of movement involved when you use the Bar Method, but, unlike running or jogging, there’s very little impact placed on your body. So you’re less likely to get injured while doing the Bar Method. But like running, jogging, swimming and a host of other activities, you can get your body in terrific shape by doing the Bar Method at the gym.

Like yoga or Pilates, the Bar Method is usually performed by an entire class and features a range of stretches and movements that focus around bars that line the room. If you’ve ever seen a ballet studio that’s surrounded by mirrors and bars, you can probably imagine what the Bar Method entails. The great thing about the Bar Method is that it has a ton of benefits for your body. Here are 5 of them.

1. Improved Flexibility

Because you’re using certain elements of yoga, the Bar Method will help you to improve your flexibility after just a few sessions. The Bar Method includes plenty of stretching and lots of motions where you will be required to hold a certain pose or stretch. This will help your muscles stretch better and will improve the flexibility throughout your body. Don’t be surprised if you can maneuver your body in completely new ways as a result of using the Bar Method.

2. Better Posture

Again, like yoga, you are required to hold some poses and stretches when you are in a Bar Method class. You will need to keep your shoulders back and make sure that your spine is aligned properly. These types of movements will help you improve your posture over time. By completing more and more of the movements involved with the Bar Method, you’ll naturally work your posture back into the correct position.

3. A New Routine

Running, jogging, walking and even swimming can start to get a little boring over time. The Bar Method is a completely new method of training for your body and there are so many variations of it that you will not get bored quickly. When you are into a workout, you’ll give it your best and maximize your results. The Bar Method is perfect for switching up your routine.

4. Muscle Tone

Through all the stretching and pushing and pulling that you’ll do during the Bar Method, you will notice that your muscles, specifically in your arms and legs, will become more toned.

5. Minimized Chance of Injuries

Because there is no impact involved with the Bar Method, you are not likely to get injured like you might if you stick to running.