Posts tagged ‘life’

5 Tips for a Healthy New Year!

5 Tips for a Healthy New Year!

As the New Year is approaching us, why not make a New Years Resolution to live a healthier life. Every year many people do make resolutions to change habits, or exercise more… Here are some tips to follow for a healthier New Year!

1. Get Involved in an Exercise Program.
Many people plan to change their exercising habits every year. However, after a lack of motivation or knowledge of exercises, many people abandon that goal. When establishing an exercise program there are a few important factors to consider. Home exercising or gym? Group workout or individual? Running or weights?
The workout that is best to use is the workout you will do in a routine. Many people find it beneficial to workout in a gym setting with a partner, or group. Working out with another person helps keep the motivation of workout out.

2. Plan Meals in Advance.
When trying to pursue a healthy lifestyle it is important to consider diet in those plans. One way to veer from unhealthy eating habits it to plan meals a week in advance. Planning meals helps cut out fast food stops on the way home from work, and also lets people know what types of foods they are eating.

3. Drink More Water.
The human body is more than 60% water. Organs such as the brain, heart, and kidneys function off water, therefore, it is essential to take in large amounts of water. This New Year try to shy away from carbonated beverages and focus on taking in more water.

4. Keep a Consistent Schedule.
It is important to get into a routine of doing things. Once the body gets into routine of a consistent schedule it will become easier for the body to adjust. After work many people like to go strait home and rest. If your one of these people maybe getting an exercise schedule in the morning before work will benefit you more.

5. Get Plenty of Sleep.
Just as the body needs exercise and food, sleep is also very important for the human body. If we don’t allow the body to rest and recover we will never see benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Whole Body Vibration and the Lymphatic System!

Whole Body Vibration and the Lymphatic System!

(NaturalNews) With every beat of the heart, subtle vibrations are sent through the body, the movement stimulating a higher degree of circulation and a higher level of overall health. Because this movement is conducive to achieving a healthier circulatory system, among others, it has been recreated throughout the cultures and ages of history in an attempt to heal illnesses and improve the overall quality of life. A practice that has been utilized for thousands of years, vibration exercise is said to amplify the effects of the vibrations made each time the heart beats. These vibrations produce a level of blood flow that is uninterrupted, allowing oxygen and other important substances to circulate freely. By constantly pumping blood through the many systems of the body, the modern vibration exercise machine also promotes the drainage of the lymphatic system, which acts as a network of pipes that pushes toxins out of the body.

Moving the various fluids of the body requires power, which is only achieved through muscle contractions (such as the contraction of the heart when it pumps). The vibrations created by a vibration exercise machine create small muscular contractions. This forces the fluids through the body in a way that is efficient, constant, and gentle enough not to cause any harm while being forceful enough to discard toxins and other potentially dangerous buildup.

Individuals that cannot get rid of their toxins are more prone to illness and do not feel as healthy as those whose lymphatic systems are capable of draining regularly. Exercise is certainly one way to achieve a high level of lymphatic draining, but not everyone has the ability (either physically or practically) to indulge in a great deal of physical activity. For this reason, whole body vibration, facilitated by a machine, is able to help combat the effects of a sedentary lifestyle and rid the body of the toxins that it has stored. This being said, individuals that don’t have time for extensive exercise can greatly benefit from whole body vibration.

In addition to acting as a catalyst for lymphatic drainage, a vibration exercise machine also sparks the activity of the lymph nodes, which are key components of the immune system. Therefore, the movement allows individuals to both rid their bodies of toxins that they already possess and prevent them from contracting illnesses from new ones.

Another benefit, which many individuals enjoy, is weight loss. Though the loss is not drastic, using a vibration exercise machine allows the lymphatic system to push stored fats out of the body, resulting in a healthier, leaner figure. This smaller figure can also be attributed to the decrease in cortisol, which is a known agent of belly fat, due to an increase in serotonin.

The benefits of vibration exercise, particularly to the lymphatic system, have been enjoyed by people from several cultures over thousands of years. Modern medicine will most likely continue to study this technique and analyze its many effects on the body, but as the research is conducted individuals will continue to utilize the therapy and take advantage of their healthier circulatory and lymphatic systems.

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How many inversions fit taller people?

How many inversions fit taller people?

Robert, a resident of North Georgia, stopped by Health Mark’s office to test the Pro Max Inversion table against his 6’10 height. After adjusting the settings, Robert proved that the Pro Max Inversion Table can comfortably and safely fit a person with a 6’10 structure. Robert purchased a Pro Max Inversion Table right after this picture was taken!

Whole body vibration may help elderly get up and go!

Whole body vibration may help elderly get up and go!

When the elderly can’t exercise, stints on a vibrating platform may help older adults become slightly stronger, faster and more agile, according to a small short-term study.

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