Posts tagged ‘inversion tables’

Inversion Tables: The Natural Remedy

Inversion Tables: The Natural Remedy

Back pain can be frustrating and hard to deal with. When the discs in your back are compressed, your spine and whole body can feel even worse. Using inversion tables to help with back pain is a natural way of treating these symptoms and lowering pain without the use of prescription drugs or expensive visits to a chiropractor. And the back stretch that an inversion table offers can do so much more than just make you feel great.

Inversion tables are not just for stretching your back. They offer numerous benefits for the body, beginning with reducing back pain and lengthening our compressed spines. These tables increase the space between our spinal discs, which causes an increase in blood flow all around our bodies. There are so many veins and arteries running between our discs, and when they get compressed, that pressure limits their ability to spread oxygen and nutrients to our blood cells and remove the waste. This causes our internal organs to weaken and perform badly. The daily use of an inversion table can help counter some of the effects of gravity on the body.
Inversion tables can also be a wonderful way to wind down after a really intense workout. High impact workouts can cause muscle pain, and this table therapy reduces that pain, along with stimulating our circulation and offering great stress relief. Incorporating inversion as part of your workout is a way to strengthen those all-important core muscle groups without putting unnecessary stress and pressure on our spinal cords. Inversion training can also help to strengthen ligaments through our bodies.

Gymnasts and ballerinas, and anyone else in that type of sport, would be wonderful benefactors of the use of inversion therapy, as it helps to train for orientation and balance. The elongation of the spine encourages good posture and helps to keep your back straight even after you leave the therapy table. Aging gracefully is a side benefit since the increased oxygen and de-congested internal organs helps your body work in a more youthful way.

Any therapy program you are thinking of starting needs to be run by your physician. Since he or she is aware of any pre-existing conditions you have, they will be able to say whether inversion therapy will exacerbate or help cure them. If however, they do agree with your idea, then be sure to remain consistent in your routine. This will give your body the way to get used to the action, and have long-term health benefits.
It’s very easy to use this table, and only requires the use of a spotter the first couple of times. Inversion requires the individual to find their balance point by the use of their arms. Once in the inverted position, both arms should be relaxed and hanging freely above the participant’s head. Stay in this relaxed position for a time period that feels comfortable to you as an individual, then bring your arms up to help guide you back to the regular position.
While this is not a new idea, using inversion tables for back pain is spreading into the world of healthy remedies even more. Before using prescription drugs or visiting a chiropractor unnecessarily, see if your doctor thinks this is a good idea for you. If natural remedies without side effects work first, then there is no need to expose your body to unnecessary side effects that are possible from other remedies.

To find out more about Inversion Tables or Inversion Therapy contact us at

Ultimate Inversion Table Reviews

Ultimate Inversion Table Reviews

– “This inversion table is perfect for what it was designed and that is performing inversion with flexibility, stability and precision. My father is 82 and on a trip last August to OC Maryland my father’s back was so bad his face was distended in pain and he could barely walk. He has rheumatoid arthritis for years and it finally brought his active life to a halt with the what the spinal/orthopedic surgeon called stenosis of the spine. The x-rays and mri’s showed the narrowing and compressing of the spine which was causing great pain due mostly to the sciatic nerve. I asked the surgeon if inversion would help and he of course said no way with this. I went ahead anyway to try and avoid eventual surgery. My father was game and I tried to buy a cheaper table but he insisted on this one and I am glad he held out. It has been a dream for us as it literally brought my father back to normalcy as the daily 10-20 minute sessions at the convenient preset angle has eliminated the back pain and leg pain to where he can now enjoy movements and walking without discomfort. He is lifting weights again and the happy face is back. I use it also and it has made my back much lither as I can turn completely and comfortably doing golf or yoga. If you have the means get this one as it allows the most secure and varied routines and please try this before surgery if you can. You may get the same results and avoid surgery or heal better but know this machine works. ” “Fantastic design and back surgery life saver” by Honest Abe on March 20, 2012

– “I purchased the Health Mark Pro Max table through Amazon. The product arrived ahead of schedule. I work as a master mechanic, so I know good mechanicals when I see them. This table is a work of art. Everything about it is top quality. The frame is very rugged, and the bearing assembly which the table pivots on is fantastic. Every tool needed was supplied. The material which the table is covered in is feels like suede, but is much tougher. The capacity of this table is 600 lbs., as opposed to 300 lbs. for others, and it shows! Well worth the $800+” “Awesome Machine”
By J. Burnett on June 2, 2009

– “Very impressed with product. It arrived in double box for protection of the product and the product is built like a tank and top quality materials, even allen bolts. It is very solid and should last a lifetime. Assembly was very clear and easy and only took about 30 minutes. Very nice to be able lay on back or belly. Great product and would highly recommend it to anyone. Too early to tell if it will help with back pain as we haven’t had it long enough yet. “Great product!”
By Steven Geary on July 10, 2013

– I’ve had back surgery for herniated L4L5 and stenosis, this table has helped more than both. No more chiropractor either… I’m 6-2 250 and feel very comfortable on table. Easy to assemble, just get a real wrench the size you need as the provided tool, not so good. Well worth the money.” “Best money I’ve spent in years” By Wayne Locklear on June 30, 2013