Posts tagged ‘Healthy’

What is Spinal Traction?

What is Spinal Traction?

The goal of spinal traction is to pull the vertebrae apart from each other. The purpose of using spinal traction is generally to create more space for nerves where they exit the spinal column or to relieve pressure on the cartilage disks between the bones or on the small spinal joints themselves. At lower intensities, spinal traction can also be used to stretch small spinal muscles. The theory behind spinal traction is that if the disks are pulled apart, they will regain hydration or have an influx of water. This act would then make disks more shock absorbent.
Traction is used to treat many injuries, some including: pinched nerves, neck and back tightness, and headaches. While in traction, the neck or the low back is stretched, and along with it, the spine is stretched a little as well. If you have pinched nerves in your spine, this can help take some of the pressure off and ease arm or leg pain. Traction is also good for treating bulging discs in your spine, which can also pinch your nerves if they lose enough water in the middle. By pulling your spine apart a little, traction can help the disc’s water and gel slip back into place. Also, neck traction is good for treating headaches because it can stretch the muscles in the back of your neck and at the base of your skull. These muscles often cause headaches when they get too tight.

To learn more about traction devices contact us at:

5 Tips for a Healthy New Year!

5 Tips for a Healthy New Year!

As the New Year is approaching us, why not make a New Years Resolution to live a healthier life. Every year many people do make resolutions to change habits, or exercise more… Here are some tips to follow for a healthier New Year!

1. Get Involved in an Exercise Program.
Many people plan to change their exercising habits every year. However, after a lack of motivation or knowledge of exercises, many people abandon that goal. When establishing an exercise program there are a few important factors to consider. Home exercising or gym? Group workout or individual? Running or weights?
The workout that is best to use is the workout you will do in a routine. Many people find it beneficial to workout in a gym setting with a partner, or group. Working out with another person helps keep the motivation of workout out.

2. Plan Meals in Advance.
When trying to pursue a healthy lifestyle it is important to consider diet in those plans. One way to veer from unhealthy eating habits it to plan meals a week in advance. Planning meals helps cut out fast food stops on the way home from work, and also lets people know what types of foods they are eating.

3. Drink More Water.
The human body is more than 60% water. Organs such as the brain, heart, and kidneys function off water, therefore, it is essential to take in large amounts of water. This New Year try to shy away from carbonated beverages and focus on taking in more water.

4. Keep a Consistent Schedule.
It is important to get into a routine of doing things. Once the body gets into routine of a consistent schedule it will become easier for the body to adjust. After work many people like to go strait home and rest. If your one of these people maybe getting an exercise schedule in the morning before work will benefit you more.

5. Get Plenty of Sleep.
Just as the body needs exercise and food, sleep is also very important for the human body. If we don’t allow the body to rest and recover we will never see benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Quick Workout for Busy Holiday Schedules

Quick Workout for Busy Holiday Schedules

Body-Weight (Air Squats)
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Pause, and slowly stand back up.

Judo Pushups (Or regular pushups)
Begin in a pushup position but move your feet hip-width apart and forward, and raise your hips so your body almost forms an upside-down V. Lower the front of your body until your chin nears the floor. Then lower your hips as you raise your head and shoulders toward the ceiling. Now reverse the movement and return to the starting position.

Sprinter Sit-Ups (Or regular sit-ups)
Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms at your sides, keeping your elbows bent at 90 degrees. As you sit up, twist your upper body to the left and bring your left knee toward your right elbow while you swing your left arm back. Lower your body to the starting position, and repeat to your right. That’s 1 rep

Perform 10 reps per set. Do as many sets of each as possible for 15 minutes!