Yogacise Workouts

The Yogacise, which was developed by Health Mark Inc. primarily for yoga head stands and meditation techniques, is now being considered a machine for various types of workouts. The Yogacise was created to give individuals the same type of yoga benefits as the yoga head stand, while relieving some of the stress and tension that is placed on the neck and upper body during the yoga head stand. This machine is also beneficial for helping increase blood flow to the neck, head, and upper body, while relieving stress placed on the lower body through the day to day weight bearing demands.

As of lately, the Yogacise, has developed into a piece of equipment that can be used for workouts as well. Some workouts the Yogacise machine can be used for include Tricep Dips, Tricep Extensions, Pull Ups, Push Ups, and many types of Core (abdominal) exercises. The Yogacise has now evolved into more than just a therapeutic piece of exercise equipment.

To find out more about the Yogacise, or any of Health Mark’s equipment please visit us at or follow us on twitter and facebook!