Posts tagged ‘Body and Mind’

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Verticle Vibration PictureIt is very important that we all monitor our health and get monthly and yearly examinations. Breast cancer is an epidemic that can affect both male and female, yet females are more prone to the disease. In 2014 about 2,360 males will have the disease compared to 232,670 women, according to the statistics form the American Cancer Association. Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast cells in the human body, which is why it is very important to have a proper diet as well as an exercise regimen. Whole body vibration is proven to help in weight loss, ( and aid in prevention or progression of this disease and many others.

Yoga and other mental stimulating exercises helps as well because healing begins with the mind. When your body fails to regulate cell production it can develop to a clump of tissue known as a tumor. Tumors can be benign (not dangerous to health), or malignant (having the potential to be dangerous or spread). Over time cancer cells can invade nearby healthy breast tissue and eventually carve a pathway to other body parts. Good thing we have great breast cancer society’s such as ( to deal with this problem with a high success rate. It’s always important to get checkups because early detection is the key for successfully beating this disease.

Tiapei, Tiawan, Republic of China!

Tiapei, Tiawan, Republic of China!

The owner of Health Mark Inc. is constantly researching, gathering information, and coming up with new ideas regarding some of our current and new exercise and fitness equipment. Since the body is always evolving, it is essential to remain up-to-date on the most recent studies and publications regarding fitness, health, and wellness. At Health Mark, the primary focus is to stay up-to-date with the latest research and publications to provide our customers with the most up dated and beneficial exercise and therapeutic equipment available. In providing new and updated research and equipment, Health Mark travels around the United States and across the country to study the latest findings. Currently Health Mark Inc. is in Tiapei, The Republic of China, researching and speaking with manufactures at a big health and fitness convention! To find out more about Health Mark Inc.’s products please contact us at

Yoga: For the Mind and Body!

Yoga: For the Mind and Body!

Ever feel overwhelmed and just plain stressed out? New studies have reported increasing number of stress and stress related illnesses here in the United State. The increases of stress can related to a number of factors, but most of the current findings relate back to financial issues, work place stress, relationship stress, and lack of exercise to help relieve the stress. With all the current stresses of life, where can relief be found?
Exercise physiologists, psychologists, and therapists have studied the body in hopes of finding alternatives to medicine as ways to help people deal with stress. One of the proven most beneficial alternatives to medicine to help with stress is a growing trend of exercise here in the United States.
Yoga has been practiced for many years, among many different populations. Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines stretching exercises, controlled breathing and relaxation. Some of the proven benefits of yoga include: stress reduction, lower blood pressure and improved heart functioning. And almost anyone can do it. Yoga is considered a mind-body type of complementary and alternative medicine practice that brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping you relax and manage stress and anxiety.
Yoga has many styles, forms and intensities. Hatha yoga, in particular, may be a good choice for stress management. Hatha is one of the most common styles of yoga, and beginners may like its slower pace and easier movements. But most people can benefit from any style of yoga — it’s all about your personal preferences! There are two main concepts of yoga, breathing and poses.
Health Mark Inc. offers a product that is very beneficial to anyone who practices yoga. The Yogacise is a therapeutic product that helps people relax in the head stand yoga position without adding all the additional pressures on an individuals head. The Yogacise is beneficial for all ages and if beneficial for beginners and experts in the field of yoga. To find out more about the Yogacise please contact us at!