Posts tagged ‘Benefits’

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Verticle Vibration PictureIt is very important that we all monitor our health and get monthly and yearly examinations. Breast cancer is an epidemic that can affect both male and female, yet females are more prone to the disease. In 2014 about 2,360 males will have the disease compared to 232,670 women, according to the statistics form the American Cancer Association. Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast cells in the human body, which is why it is very important to have a proper diet as well as an exercise regimen. Whole body vibration is proven to help in weight loss, ( and aid in prevention or progression of this disease and many others.

Yoga and other mental stimulating exercises helps as well because healing begins with the mind. When your body fails to regulate cell production it can develop to a clump of tissue known as a tumor. Tumors can be benign (not dangerous to health), or malignant (having the potential to be dangerous or spread). Over time cancer cells can invade nearby healthy breast tissue and eventually carve a pathway to other body parts. Good thing we have great breast cancer society’s such as ( to deal with this problem with a high success rate. It’s always important to get checkups because early detection is the key for successfully beating this disease.

Whole Body Vibration and the Lymphatic System!

Whole Body Vibration and the Lymphatic System!

(NaturalNews) With every beat of the heart, subtle vibrations are sent through the body, the movement stimulating a higher degree of circulation and a higher level of overall health. Because this movement is conducive to achieving a healthier circulatory system, among others, it has been recreated throughout the cultures and ages of history in an attempt to heal illnesses and improve the overall quality of life. A practice that has been utilized for thousands of years, vibration exercise is said to amplify the effects of the vibrations made each time the heart beats. These vibrations produce a level of blood flow that is uninterrupted, allowing oxygen and other important substances to circulate freely. By constantly pumping blood through the many systems of the body, the modern vibration exercise machine also promotes the drainage of the lymphatic system, which acts as a network of pipes that pushes toxins out of the body.

Moving the various fluids of the body requires power, which is only achieved through muscle contractions (such as the contraction of the heart when it pumps). The vibrations created by a vibration exercise machine create small muscular contractions. This forces the fluids through the body in a way that is efficient, constant, and gentle enough not to cause any harm while being forceful enough to discard toxins and other potentially dangerous buildup.

Individuals that cannot get rid of their toxins are more prone to illness and do not feel as healthy as those whose lymphatic systems are capable of draining regularly. Exercise is certainly one way to achieve a high level of lymphatic draining, but not everyone has the ability (either physically or practically) to indulge in a great deal of physical activity. For this reason, whole body vibration, facilitated by a machine, is able to help combat the effects of a sedentary lifestyle and rid the body of the toxins that it has stored. This being said, individuals that don’t have time for extensive exercise can greatly benefit from whole body vibration.

In addition to acting as a catalyst for lymphatic drainage, a vibration exercise machine also sparks the activity of the lymph nodes, which are key components of the immune system. Therefore, the movement allows individuals to both rid their bodies of toxins that they already possess and prevent them from contracting illnesses from new ones.

Another benefit, which many individuals enjoy, is weight loss. Though the loss is not drastic, using a vibration exercise machine allows the lymphatic system to push stored fats out of the body, resulting in a healthier, leaner figure. This smaller figure can also be attributed to the decrease in cortisol, which is a known agent of belly fat, due to an increase in serotonin.

The benefits of vibration exercise, particularly to the lymphatic system, have been enjoyed by people from several cultures over thousands of years. Modern medicine will most likely continue to study this technique and analyze its many effects on the body, but as the research is conducted individuals will continue to utilize the therapy and take advantage of their healthier circulatory and lymphatic systems.

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The facts about Vibration Therapy Machines!

The facts about Vibration Therapy Machines!

Vibration therapy has created a buzz in the health and fitness industry, as it brings us another gleam of hope with a different method of burning fat and developing muscles. While there have been questions about its validity and effectiveness, many of the brightest minds around the world are recommending this kind of therapy.

The concept of vibration therapy was a Russian original. It was first used to help Russian cosmonauts increase their bone density and strengthen their muscles due to their exposure to a zero gravity environment. These cosmonauts were asked to stand over a vibration plate on a daily basis in addition to their routine exercises. Since then, vibration therapy has been a hot addition to the fitness world. So with all the good things we hear from this amazing therapy, what does one person get out of exposure to vibrations?

•NASA scientists are not only recommending this therapy to their astronauts, but they also believe this technique can treat people who suffer from significant bone loss like osteoporosis.
•While on top of the vibration plate, someone could easily receive the same benefit as working out for a relatively shorter period of time. Under the vibrations, muscles experience continuous contractions, making it an effective body workout. This means the body can be more resistant to fatigue and have increased agility.
•With regular use, vibration therapy also causes the glands to provide natural lubrication to the joints, reducing back and joint pains.
•Scientists have found that during a vibration therapy session, the body excretes testosterone and human growth hormones at an increased rate while getting a reduced production rate of Cortisol – the body’s stress hormone. This allows the body to amplify the beneficial effects of muscle protein synthesis.
•Athletes are now using vibration therapy equipment they refer to as ‘miracle machines.’ This technology has helped professional cagers like Shaquille O’Neal and other athletes whose careers mainly depend on their physical activities to deal with injuries and post-rehabilitation surgeries.
•Vibration therapy has also been helping people with arthritis, as it provides soothing effects to the joints during painful arthritis attacks, while at the same time, reducing their frequency.

Have you tried Health Mark’s vibration machines?