Archive for October, 2014

Living Beyond Breast Cancer

Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC) is a national non-profit organization created to connect patients to others in the breast cancer community. Through its blogs, conferences, and other programs, LBBC seeks to provide support for patients and their families. The organization also acts as a resource for news on treatment and other matters.

Guest bloggers include patients, activists, psychologists, and others touched by breast cancer. Every blog post is a thought-provoking and informative take on the disease. LBBC has established itself as a go-to source for inspiration and information, with an endless lineup of fascinating writers. Special thanks to cancer society’s such as Revlon, and other supporters and magazines such as self, are getting closer and closer to beating this pandemic.



All people, male and female are born with some breast cells and tissue that can potentially develop into cancer. Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast cells in the human body. Cancer in general occurs when mutations or abnormal changes in the genes responsible for regulating the growth of cells and keeping them healthy are off balance. When your body fails to do so it can develop to a mass or clump of tissue known as a tumor. Tumors can be benign (not dangerous) or malignant (having the potential to be dangerous). Benign tumors are not considered to be cancerous because they do not invade nearby tissue or spread. In opposition, malignant tumors are. If left unchecked, malignant cells have the ability to affect other body parts and spread. Depending on how far it spreads is considered to be a stage or stages. There are 9 stages, which stage 9 being the worse to where the cancer has spread dramatically. Only 5-10% of cancers are due to genetic inheritance, there-for it’s very important to monitor your diet as well as getting proper exercise because this disease is primarily a product of our lifestyles.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Verticle Vibration PictureIt is very important that we all monitor our health and get monthly and yearly examinations. Breast cancer is an epidemic that can affect both male and female, yet females are more prone to the disease. In 2014 about 2,360 males will have the disease compared to 232,670 women, according to the statistics form the American Cancer Association. Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast cells in the human body, which is why it is very important to have a proper diet as well as an exercise regimen. Whole body vibration is proven to help in weight loss, ( and aid in prevention or progression of this disease and many others.

Yoga and other mental stimulating exercises helps as well because healing begins with the mind. When your body fails to regulate cell production it can develop to a clump of tissue known as a tumor. Tumors can be benign (not dangerous to health), or malignant (having the potential to be dangerous or spread). Over time cancer cells can invade nearby healthy breast tissue and eventually carve a pathway to other body parts. Good thing we have great breast cancer society’s such as ( to deal with this problem with a high success rate. It’s always important to get checkups because early detection is the key for successfully beating this disease.

Inversion is GREAT for your BODY!

When it comes to being injured the first thing you have to do is to get well as soon as possible.  Injuries can be very painful, and also prevent you from accomplishing different tasks.  It is common knowledge that we have doctors and different medications to aid us in the healing process, but what other options are out there?  There are a couple different options, but let me tell you about one proven method I’ve tried myself.  INVERSION!!!  Inversion therapy has been used for ages for many different reasons including blood circulation, and the decompression of the back.  While inverted the brain is getting an increase of blood flow, which allows it to function at its highest capacity.  This requires no effort at all and allows you to relax, meditate, or even sleep for a short while (if you feel the urge).

pro max inversioncore inversion chair

The mind also has healing powers, so why not put that to use as well?  Nature has a constant gravitational pull on our bones and joints, and that causes stress that can prolong our recovery time.  It can also very well cause discomfort either sitting, or standing.  Inversion reverses the force of gravity from a natural path which allows all of the joints in your back, and every organ in your body time to take a break from daily stress.  When this occurs it allows vital fluids to return back to various joints and disks throughout your body.  Give inversion a try…it will make you feel better!