
With a new season upon us, now is a perfect time to change the way you feel about your body.  There isn’t a better place to start then by taking care of it!  Yoga, and other types of inversion therapy are a perfect way to get back on track.  Walking on our legs as opposed to our hands is perhaps the most glaring habit of humankind, and so inversions have the potential to be a valuable addition to the lives of all.  The idea of putting yourself in an inverted position isn’t for everybody.  There are some issues of concern that you should consult your doctor about.  These might be if there is a history of neck conditions, epilepsy, glaucoma, detached retina, or unmedicated high blood pressure.  I am going to list some reasons why you should keep reading this by listing some benefits to inversion:

Inversion increases blood flow to the brain.  This means that your brain is getting more oxygen coming to it, and this helps with having better memory, processing your different abilities, increased concentration, and overall mental functioning.

You will feel more energized and relaxed.  Headstands, handstands, and forearm balance helps tremendously with all of the oxygen and blood flow to the brain.  You will see a drastic change in getting your mind “back on track” in the middle of the day when you may be getting unfocused.  This will also get you physically invigorated.

Improving balance, and overall relaxation.  Once you have proven that you can achieve balance on your two legs, it may be a great time to have equality by learning how to balance on your hands, and/or head.  Shoulder stands, and having your legs up on a  wall are great techniques for relaxation by calming your nervous system, and helping more with balance.

Increased upper body strength.  Inversion will work and increase our many muscle groups in our upper body.  This is especially true in women who tend to have more lower body strength.  This is a good way to balance out the strength throughout one’s whole body.

Inversions are fun.  The last, and certainly not the least benefit I will point out about the advandtages of practicing Yoga/inversion, is that it can be fun (if you allow it to).  Let me take you on a quick trip down memory lane…How many of us did (or tried to do) a headstand, or handstand when we were younger?  If we were one of the few who could actually accomplish this feat we were praised, or admired by our peers.  Now, we have a reason to get back to these fun activities.  Little did we know in our youth that we would be doing these same exercises, and that it would be of great benefit to the well being of our bodies.

I encourage you to get out and enjoy the beautiful fall weather.  Yoga is something that can be done anywhere…in the park, on the beach, or in your own back yard.  When it gets colder in the winter, you can do Yoga in the comforts of your own living room, or bedroom.  My point is that Yoga, and other types of inversion can be enjoyed and practiced during all calender seasons, as well as all seasons of our life.  What do you say to making a better change for your body???